Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said last night that it will be his own decision when to step down and that he promised the people that he will leave with.
President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic has received a message from President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on the ...
She assessed that in the history of world politics, the hatred towards one man like that shown towards Vucic is unprecedented ...
President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic met today with the commander of the NATO Joint Forces Command in Naples, Admiral Stuart Munsch, with whom he discussed.
President Aleksandar Vucic said that he yesterday in Brussels spoke with Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic regarding the announced US sanctions against NIS, and that Croatia is also interested ...
Potvrđeno je da je još jedna, deveta američka telekomunikaciona kompanija bila hakovana u okviru velike kineske špijunske ...
Hrabrim i plemenitim podvigom taksista Branko Đalamić (43) iz Bogatića zadivio je Srbiju. On je teško bolesnom Siniši ...
Lekari se bore za život muškarca koji je večeras obučen u kostim Deda Mraza pao sa trećeg sprata na tradicionalnom ...
Zagrebačka katedrala prolazi kroz opsežan proces obnove unutrašnjosti nakon zemljotresa koji su 2020. godine pogodili Zagreb ...
Bliži se Nova godina, ostalo je tek nekoliko dana pre nego što uplovimo u 2025. godinu nove ere. Zbog toga, jedna veoma lepa, ...
Fudbaleri Parme savladali su na domaćem terenu 2:1 ekipu Monce u meču 18. kola Serije A. Domaći su došli do prednosti preko ...
Nesvakidašnja nesreća dogodila se u Rimu kada je 45-godišnja žena poginula nakon što je na nju palo drvo u jednom gradskom ...