SBS Sinhala reporter and senior journalist Mr. Manoj Udatiyawala presents today's latest news highlights from Sri Lanka.
Acclaimed account of the gun-toting bank robbers and the trail of terror they blazed through the southwest in the '30s.
一架從雪梨飛往南非約翰尼斯堡的澳洲航空空中巴士 A380 ,因機械故障不得不在聖誕節當天返回雪梨。 澳航連爆兩宗事故。 Source: AAP / Mark Baker/AP ...
Christmas, a season of twinkling lights and cherished traditions, unfolds globally. However, once again the Christmas spirit is overshadowed by the ongoing conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine. Listen to SBS ...
一架阿塞拜疆客機在哈薩克的阿卡圖機場附近墜毀,機上38 人死亡,29人生還。 在周三(12月25日),一架阿塞拜疆客機在哈薩克嘅阿卡圖機場附近墜毀,機上38 人死亡,29人生還。 Source: AP / The Administration of ...
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A stripper named Grace prepares for her very first performance at a new club on the South Coast; an all male strip troop goes on the road, with Thorpe taking on his final training session for the tour ...
2024年12月26日午间:哈萨克斯坦官员称,阿塞拜疆一架客机在阿卡图机场附近坠毁(收听播客,了解详情)。 本期新闻要点 民调显示维州或与新州同样成为联邦大选关键战场 救援人员宣布圣诞前夕坠海青少年已无生还希望 ...
維州新州南澳嚴峻火警及強風警報生效。 南亞大海嘯20周年印尼稱災難加強當地對自然災難意識。 香港日前公佈新增通緝潛逃名單,北京強調是維護法治。 ,以繁體中文及簡體中文提供公平、公正、準確的新聞報道及時事資訊。SBS 廣東話及 SBS ...
قالت المتحدثة باسم وزارة الخارجية الروسية ماريا زاخاروفا إن دبلوماسيين أستراليين تحدثوا إلى موسكو بشأن هذه المسألة.
Cư dân ở các thị trấn Grampians là Bornes Hill, Moyston và Pomonal đã được yêu cầu sơ tán ngay lập tức và tìm nơi trú ẩn vì ...