Romanians stood up for their right to choose their own destiny. Many gave their lives so their children could live in freedom ...
The presidential election in Romania revealed a massive protest vote against the candidates of the PSD (Social Democratic ...
The EU’s Justice and Home Affairs Council (JAI) approved the full accession of Romania and Bulgaria to the Schengen Area for ...
The main political figure responsible for the rise of the far-right is President Klaus Iohannis, perceived by voters as the leader of a corrupt and incompetent system that includes Prime Minister ...
Dozens of historians and intellectuals protested on Monday after the Romanian Academy awarded a special prize to pseudo-historian Alex Mihai Stoenescu, a known informant for the communist-era ...
Am citit recent despre declarația dlui prim-ministru Marcel Ciolacu, prin care solicita găsirea de soluții pentru salarizarea ...
China a aprobat construcţia a ceea ce va fi cel mai mare baraj hidroenergetic din lume, demarând un proiect ambiţios la ...
Simona Halep (33 ani, 877 WTA) a revenit în tenis la sfârșitul lunii martie, după ce a fost suspendată de ITIA o bună bucată ...
Administraţia Naţională de Meteorologie (ANM) a emis trei avertizări Cod portocaliu şi Cod galben de vânt puternic şi viscol ...
Sute de mii de persoane iau parte la concursuri de „speedcubing” - rezolvarea rapidă a cubului Rubik - în întreaga lume.