The beloved 2003 anthology film starred Laura Linney, Liam Neeson, Emma Thompson, Hugh Grant, Keira Knightley, Andrew Lincoln ...
R enowned writer-director Richard Curtis (Love Actually, About Time) is back with a new holiday classic, but this time in ...
Love Actually is a heartwarming Christmastime classic that gives viewers a bundle of storylines that tell of hope and love ...
However, director Richard Curtis looks back on what a “catastrophe” making the rom-com was and about learning what “a stalker ...
It may be a festive staple for many people, but Richard Curtis has only seen ‘Love Actually’ twice since it was released.
Love Actually paid more for supermodel Claudia Schiffer for a minute of screentime than most of the other stars in the film.
It may be a festive staple for many people, but Richard Curtis has only seen ‘Love Actually’ twice since it was released.