Matrix is one of the successful franchises with fans eagerly waiting for its fifth installment. The franchise follows the ...
"In 1997," the post reads, "the Wachowskis offered Will Smith the role of Neo in The Matrix. Smith turned it down. He chose ...
A new Matrix movie starring Will Smith is hinted at in a cryptic video posted by the actor who turned down the role of Neo in ...
Earlier today, Will Smith posted a video of orange text on an old CRT screen. Typed out with mechanical keyboard clicks, ...
The Oscar winner, who famously turned down the role of Neo in the 1999 sci-fi classic, teased... something on his social ...
Will Smith teased joining 'The Matrix' franchise, but sources confirm he won't be part of the fifth installment.
Less than 24 hours ago, it looked like Will Smith might be gearing up to take on the role of Neo in Drew Goddard's upcoming ...
Ride or Die’ star stirred speculation about joining the ‘Matrix’ universe with an Instagram message seeming to talk about an ...
Will Smith will not be joining the next Matrix movie after all, despite speculation. In a mysterious recent post, the actor ...
Fans of The Matrix can add all four movies on 4K Blu-ray to their collection for cheap right now. Amazon and Walmart have The ...
Theories abound after Will Smith shared a cryptic video on Instagram related to The Matrix. But despite speculation among the ...
Will Smith famously passed on playing Neo in The Matrix. Is he getting a redo?