Safsu introduces a groundbreaking water purification technology that uses bio-compatible particles derived from natural materials. These particles effectively eliminate contaminants, specifically ...
The University of Helsinki attracts top international researchers with its transparent tenure track system. The goal is to increase the predictability, competitiveness and attractiveness of academic ...
Welcome to Pathways, a new interdisciplinary early-stage entrepreneurship programme by the Helsinki Incubators. Regardless of what theme the problem you're looking to solve or idea you're aiming to ...
Bronze Age Kurgans in Southern Romania, the sixth volume in the esteemed ‘Yamnaya Impact on Prehistoric Europe’ series, marks a significant contribution to the understanding of Bronze Age burial ...
Fysiikan tutkimuslaitoksen (HIP) historiikki "Helsinki Institute of Physics – the first twenty years 1996–2016" tarjoaa silminnäkijän kuvauksen laitoksen kahden ensimmäisen vuosikymmenen toimintaan.
Our team members Touko Uotila and Henri Houni received Best Thesis Awards of the Chemistry Department in 2024. Congratulations! Touko Uotila received the Best Master's Thesis Award for his work ...
Kastraatio tehdään, jotta lihaan ei jäisi kuluttajien vieromaa karjun hajua. Ann-Helena Hokkanen tutkii, mikä olisi kivuttomin tapa kastroida porsas. Juttu on julkaistu Yliopisto-lehdessä 10/2024.
Joulupäivän illalla noin puoli seitsemän aikaan erityisesti Helsingin kantakaupungin pohjoisosassa useat kansalaiset tekivät havaintoja tärinästä ja äänestä. Niiden syyksi paljastui maanjäristys, ...
For the first time, placental genes were studied to explore how Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) affects a child’s development. Differences showed up between pregnancies from frozen and fresh ...
The student representatives from ENS, COS and GPC conducted a survey that aimed to gather feedback of the degree programmes. In the spring of 2024, student representatives from the ENS and other ...
Yhdessä tekemisen olisi hyvä olla nautinto myös aikuiselle, kasvatustieteilijä sanoo. Kun aikuinen ja lapsi pelaavat yhdessä, aikuinen monesti antaa lapsen voittaa. Onko se viisasta, kasvatustieteen ...
The European and Nordic Studies programme hosted its annual Fall Event in October 2024. On the 10th of October, the European and Nordic Studies program hosted its annual Fall Event, bringing together ...