Greenlands capital of Nuuk has been hit by a severe power outage, with much of the country without power and temperatures ...
Video: New construction homes destroyed in area of Splendora, Texas after tornado crossed the area earlier today. VIDEO: ...
Live Cam just now of an Eagle nearly being blown out of its nest as a Severe Thunderstorm moved through with up to 70mph wind ...
Tornado Hits O'Zion Baptist Church in Mississippi ...
A confirmed large and extremely dangerous tornado was located over Gibbstown, or 9 miles southwest of Lacassine National ...
The Walt Disney Elementary School in Alvin Was Stricken by a Tornado Today. Alvin is 31 Miles South of Houston, VIDEO: ...
At least 1 person killed from Tornado outbreak in Brazoria County, Texas ...
Jefferson County, TX (Port Arthur) scanner reporting multiple injuries and fatalities along with 'catastrophic" damage. Also ...
أعاد لبنان نحو 70 ضابطاً وجندياً سورياً إلى بلادهم، بعد أن عبروا الحدود بصورة "غير قانونية"، وفقاً لما ذكره مسؤول أمني لبناني ...
Drone footage of the tornado damage in Porter Heights, Texas ...
تلقى الموسم الثاني من مسلسل "لعبة الحبّار" تقييمات متباينة، وأطلق عليه النقّاد توصيفات تراوحت بين "الرائع" و "المخيّب".