Capital One users were reporting issues with receiving their deposits on Thursday morning, leaving many customers wondering where their money and paychecks are. Complaints on social media were pouring in via the @AskCapitalOne customer service account on X, formerly Twitter.
FIS Global, the Capital One service provider involved, said it has "restored access" and processing should be done Friday.
Capital One says an outage has been affecting users since Thursday; as customers report they are still waiting for services to return.
"Guess I'll be eating ramen again tonight," tweets one customer on third day of issues linked to a data-center power outage.
BANKING OUTAGE - On Saturday, Capital One apologized on X, saying that "we recognize the frustration this issue has caused and we sincerely apologize to our valued customers."
Capital One had a major service outage last week that left many without access to their accounts. Now, it also faces a lawsuit from CFPB.
A Capital One outage caused by a third-party vendor disrupted transactions and deposits, prompting frustrated customers to voice grievances and share viral memes on social media.
BANKING OUTAGE - On Saturday, Capital One apologized on X, saying that "we recognize the frustration this issue has caused and we sincerely apologize to our valued customers."
Capital One said Saturday the bank had made “substantial progress” resolving an outage and had restored account functions and processed outstanding transactions for most customers, after ...
Capital One was sued on Tuesday by the US Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which accused the bank of illegally cheating customers who held its flagship “high interest” savings account out ...
About $US220 million or 40 per cent of the uplift Square Peg recorded for 2024 came from five exits including Canva. The rump of the uplift is a mystery.
After a historic restoration of the 100-year-old school, Walter French has opened its doors, welcoming the community.