Dry and cold weather with frost, in some places with fog is expected during New Year's Eve. Minimum temperatures will range ...
President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic assessed last night that the most brutal interference in Serbia's internal affairs is coming from the region, because it bothers them that Serbia is growing ...
Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said last night that Albin Kurti's attempt to illegally ban the participation of the Serb List in.
She assessed that in the history of world politics, the hatred towards one man like that shown towards Vucic is unprecedented ...
Minister of Defense in the Government of the Republic of Serbia, had a traffic accident this morning on the Ibar highway.
President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic said that in a few days, the US will introduce complete sanctions against the Petroleum Industry of.
Mediji pišu o E. Olsonu koji tvrdi da je devet godina primao hemoterapiju, pošto mu je greškom dijagnostikovan ...
Neki od najboljih fudbalera sveta sjatili su se u Dubai na ceremoniju "Globe Soccer Award", gde je bilo više laureata.
Remijem Mančester sitija protiv Evertona (1:1) nastavljena je agonija Pepa Gvardiole koji se pored loših rezultata, bori i sa ...
Dugogodišnji novinar i urednik Dragan Stanimirović preminuo je danas u Beogradu posle duge i teške bolesti u 49. godini.
Teška saobraćajna nezgoda dogodila se večeras u Valjevu, a u nezgodi su učestvovali kombi, automobil i gradski autobus.
Kina ima novi borbeni avion. U pitanju je lovac koji može da leti na ivici svemira i napadne prethodno nedostižne ciljeve ...