In the seventh installment of the beloved series Outlander, fans are introduced to a new facet of Lord John Grey, played by David Berry. Sporting an eye patch, this is not a mere fashion statement ...
Outlander fans were left stunned as they heard a number of the show's stars speaking in their real accents in a new clip from ...
Outlander fans were left shocked after hearing a new clip which showed the main cast members speaking in their real accents ...
Later, the Starz show reveals that the “French” aide is actually a Brit with colonial leanings, secret knowledge, and a colorful history with none other than Lord John Grey (David Berry).
The official Outlander Instagram account dropped a tantalising behind-the-scenes clip from season seven featuring three of ...
Australian actor David Berry is back on home soil, and for fans patiently waiting for the newest season of Outlander to drop, ...
Claire, after receiving Lord John's Grey's (David Berry) urgent call for aid, has arrived in the city to help mend the wounds of the British Army officer's nephew, Henry Grey (Harry Jarvis).